Category Archives: Uncategorized

State of the Podcast August 2017

Hello, my fellow adultlings!

Wow it has been a long summer for me. Thank you to everyone who has been supportive of this summer hiatus I took. Between medical emergencies and a busy schedule, I needed some time to recalibrate and get myself back into gear. So here I am! I am ready to get up and running again!

I will be moving to a once a month schedule. This is going to make the content stronger and also keep me from stretching the idea to thin. I can tackle bigger topics for longer if I have some more time to prepare them. This will be beneficial to everyone, I promise!

I have missed you guys terribly and I cannot wait to just back into it! Please let me know if you have any ideas you would like me to cover! I am going to kick off me big return with a redo of one of my first topics: starting a workout routine.

So I will see you all in October and I look forward to teaching you all how to adult again! YAY!

State of the Podcast March 2017

Hey everyone! Just dropping in to say hello and give you all an update on the podcast. Over the last month there has been some amazing growth and people reaching out to me to tell me about topics and how much they enjoy the show! I think one of my favorite recent tweets was this:

I love being on Twitter because the cruising the hashtag “#adulting” might be my favorite past time. It helps me think of new ideas for episodes! The one I found tonight will be episode 22s topic (episode 21 being the second part of our networking discussion):

So that’s the episode update for the beginning of next month! April 3rd will be How to Network Part 2 and April 10th will be Spring Cleaning! Email me or tweet at me if you have any questions about those topics, I will absolutely read them on the podcast. And speaking of Twitter I did have an idea for bonus episodes! Reading and responding to some of the #adulting tweets. Rapid fire advice, hooray!

Thank you everyone for following along on this awesome journey. Three solid months and still going strong. I look forward to what’s ahead!

Keep on #adulting!

Everything is AWESOME!

I wanted to take this moment to thank everyone who has listened to the podcast so far. These last few weeks have had a big influx of listeners and I couldn’t be happier! I love imparting wisdom (and interviewing people with way more wisdom that I have…) so it warms my heart to see the message getting through!

I have a few interviews with people coming up that I am really excited about! Some include networking, meal prep, and social work. I am covering it all!! If you have any questions be sure to email me some and I will get them answered, I promise!

I did get a new shiny Zoom H5 so I can do better interviews with people one on one! Look forward to me accosting people on the street for their opinions on #adulting.

To wrap up can I beg a favor? You can even choose which you would like to do! If you have listened to the podcast (and liked it I suppose), could you throw me a review on iTunes OR like the Facebook fan page for the podcast? This helps my visibility!

Again, you guys are the best. And I will go all Trump on this and say I have the best listeners in the world. There isn’t a better bunch of listeners ever! Period. I checked. Top men have told me. Top. Men.

A quick thank you

I wanted to thank all the people sending emails, retweeting, and (most importantly) listening to my podcast.

I’m so glad for positive response I’ve received for the episodes so far! Some great episodes are lined up and I think you will all really love them.

Mini challenge: Tweet or email someone about something of theirs you enjoy. Could be a friend’s art, a stranger’s YouTube page, or your mom’s Etsy page. Share their Facebook post about an upcoming gig, even if you don’t know them that well. It’s an awesome good deed and is something I don’t think enough people do. It’s quick and easy, but also makes someone’s day.

Have a great Thursday everyone! You guys rock!

Pinterest Board!

Hey adultlings!! For you folks in Pinterest, I have started a board with links to some supplementary material and info for each week’s podcast! So if you are a Pinner, give the board a follow! Here is the link!

And if you aren’t on Pinterest, or are morally objected to it like I used to be, I will still share things here and on Twitter as well! So follow on Twitter or Pinterest for all kinds of awesome info! You are all awesome!